II 2? Second attempt at the second cruise to the Bahamas.

Our original plan was to cruise with the Cape Coral Cruise Club to Marathon then hop on our own down to the Keys and finally work our way up the east side to meet up with the group for the long cruise to the Bahamas.

Alas, a happy calamity pushed us to plan B when the Coast Guard started broadcasting severe thunderstorm warnings and in the process of outrunning the storm at full throttle, we blew out the flange on the port exhaust elbow. So back home we limped to undertake repairs. We were all in agreement that if this had happened crossing to or in the Bahamas it would have been disastrous.


Beautiful sunset from our dock behind Hidden Island.


Luck was with us as parts were sourced quickly and repairs worked the first time. So plan b came together and allowed us one last weekend and picnic with the club at Hidden Island, a fantastic steak cookout featuring filet mignon hosted by the Brehms.


A first for our picnics was the appearance of this Barred Owl. In Hawaii I learned this is good luck.





The four of us as we depart. We are looking forward to traveling with Jon and Elise.





Of the six boat flotilla four of us left from the island immediately after the picnic with the well wishes of the group ushering us out.


Surface Interval looked impressive as it passed us.  Happy Ours and Y Knot passed a few minutes before.


The Infinite Sea being the slowest of the bunch left first but could not make it through the Moore Haven Lock before they closed at 5 o’clock, so we tied up at the city docks just before the lock. Having had a large lunch, dinner waited until after a few chores and a well earned cocktail were done.

All in All a good start to our long cruise.