The adventures of Paul and Stephanie aboard the MV Infinite Sea.

Monthly Archives: December 2013


In baby steps we are moving toward a boat that is both comfortable and ready to start cruising.  Big steps since the last post are the furniture bought and delivered.  We were finding the couch which we thought was okay looking quite hard on the tush and awkward as far as the angle of the back.  Plus in order to get at the cabinets behind it, you had to completely rearrange the furniture to pull it out.  New stuff is modular wicker, nice to look at and more comfy too.  Getting the old couch out was an adventure.  Put it on Craig’s list, but no takers, St Vinnie’s said they could not pick up from a boat, so…… It was taken out in pieces (several suggestions were made to sink it at sea, but no….that was vetoed).


We have also had the canvas guys out twice for planning and pattern making.  Expect these in a few weeks.

As the Marina is now filling up, we are also finding that blinds will be needed.  Even though we have screens on the windows outside our tests show that in the night with the lights on, they do not provide privacy, so….. Have picked out the blinds from

Other minor items done in the last two weeks include:

Registering dinghy and painting numbers on it

decorating for Christmas

installing LED lights in salon that will allow for blinds

ordering more LED lights for salon and our cabin

ordering cleats for transom