Leaving Baie Fine we headed west on our way out of the North Channel.  We stopped for the afternoon at Little Current for another lunch at the Anchor Inn and a run up the hill for groceries, then cast off and headed back to anchored at Logan’s Bay for the night.  If we hadn’t been following our track, I would have thought we found the wrong place as we were the only boat at anchor this time.



Sunrise as we leave Logan's Bay

Sunrise as we leave Logan’s Bay




We knew we needed to make miles with a weather system approaching, so again with the alarm clock.  Our original destination was Thessalon, but the day was good so we decided to keep going for an anchorage at Harbor Island north of Drummond Island. As this was in the US we needed to check in, but with two US and one Canadian phone and three cell providers(for Skype) we were not able to get through, nor were we able to get an anchor to hold (we actually caught a small log on one), so we  braved the channel into Drummond Island Yacht Haven where the customs agent came to us on the dock.  That was easy .


Miles Day 84: 20

Miles Day 85:  76      Total Miles:   2757






Miles Dat


Harbor Island across from Drummond Island


Vintage boat at Drummond Island


Vintage tractor, Drummond Island


Sunset at Drummond Island

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